Forum Registration

This is a free forum. It doesn’t cost money to register. Instead, the price is paid through information. This is a serious forum, which is why I have made most of the fields in the form required.

We are part of Christ’s body, the Church. Your goal for joining this forum should be two-fold:

  1. To seek assistance to a problem you or your church need help with.
  2. To provide assistance in the form of information, answers, or solutions to those who have a problem that you are familiar with.

Registration is also not automatic. I personally approve every request. Once you submit your registration request, I will immediately get an email. I will review your request and choose to approve it or not. I will respond within 24 hours, though most likely it will be sooner than that.

This will help reduce the participation of the insincere.

Note: I have enabled a reCaptcha feature to reduce spam. If for some reason this form won’t work for you, then send me an email at the following address:

If you don't live in the US, select "Not in US."